Home Forums (SAMFL) Learning Activity: Pet Handling Discussion and Practice (SAMFL) Learning Activity: Pet Handling Discussion and Practice Reply To: (SAMFL) Learning Activity: Pet Handling Discussion and Practice

  • Amanda

    February 26, 2024 at 2:19 pm

    What did you learn that was new to you?

    While I have seen vet technicians practice lifting and restraining a dog (one hand around the head, the other over the back and underneath) I have never practiced it myself. I found the movement a little awkward and will continue working with it to find a rhythm.

    How did the dog respond to your approach?

    Both dogs are my pets so were very happy about my approach. Dog 2 is a little more high-strung and was good to work with during this practice. Dog 1 usually listens and had no problem sitting or standing.

    What facial expression, postures or gestures did you notice, and how did you interpret them?

    Dog 2 seemed a little uneasy. He maintained a stiff posture and would not sit. I used the method of placing pressure against one leg. He sincerely didn’t like this, but sat which was the goal.

    How has knowing how to read dog behavior kept you and the dog(s) safe?

    As mentioned dog 2 is a little high-strung and seems to have a button that when pushed, places him in fight mode. Being able to read his posture and uneasiness helps me to never push the button in the first place and maintain control of the situation.