Create an Account or Sign in Email Confirm Email Password Confirm Password First Name Last Name Nickname By creating an account you are agreeing to the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy. Terms & Conditions NWSAM TERMS AND CONDITIONS By submitting an application for any NWSAM (School) course, the Student is acknowledging and agreeing to the conditions therein: Term: This application becomes a binding agreement when Student signs and submits this application with the applicable fees and the School accepts the application. The term of the agreement is from the date of signing this application or receipt of materials (Start Date) to the completion of the described class (End Date). The End Date for the Distance-Learning course will be no later than 6 months (enrollment period) after the Start Date. Distance-Learning students are required to declare their intent to attend a practical session at the three-month mark (50%) of their enrollment period. Enrollment periods may be extended in 6 months increments after the end date for an established fee ($100.00) plus the cost of updated materials. Student must notify School of intent to extend enrollment prior to the End Date. If notification of intent to extend occurs after the End Date, Student would be required to re-enroll. For resident instruction (practicals or classroom-based programs), the start date will be the first day of class and the end date will be the last scheduled day of class. If completion is not accomplished within the designated time and Student has failed to notify the School in writing of the intent to withdraw or extend enrollment, Student shall be responsible for the cost of the total number of contracted lessons or hours. Attendance: Student must attend all classes and complete the defined hours of study. The student must complete all class assignments. The student must abide by School and farm/kennel rules as provided by School or as may be implemented by School from time to time. Tardiness: Repeated tardiness is disrespectful to fellow students and instructors. Anticipated tardiness must be excused by an instructor prior to occurrence. Students with two unexplained or unexcused absences will be placed on probation and may be terminated upon the next offense. Due to the limited class meetings and accelerated learning, tardiness will seriously impair your ability to demonstrate proficiency for certification. Make-Up Class: Students may schedule a time to make up work for missed class times. The student is responsible for coordinating a make-up time with an instructor and may be responsible for fees associated with that instructor’s time at the discretion of the School. All activities and quizzes for the self-directed study must be completed prior to attending a practical session. A student may extend their enrollment period if they are unable to complete in the agreed-upon period; an extension fee will apply. Nature of Physical and Property Risk: Student acknowledges that, due to the nature of animal massage, injury or damage may occur to the Student’s self and/or student’s property. The student agrees to assume the risks involved in the contemplated School activities. Student and Student’s agents, heirs, successors and assigns do release and hold harmless the School, its principals, agents, employees, volunteers, representatives, heirs, successors and assigns, as well as affiliates including Paxhia Farm LLC or other properties where the School is located and/or conducts class, and owners of all animals that are provided as models for class or are encountered during class, from any and all liability, costs or damage incurred by Student resulting from Student’s involvement in the contemplated School activities, unless as a direct result of the School’s gross negligence or intentional misconduct. Cancellation / Discontinued Program: School reserves the right to discontinue a program. Student may be entitled to a) refund of payment(s) made to School based on refund policy or b) an opportunity to reschedule a later course in such an event. Once class begins, Student may be entitled to a refund on a pro rata basis. A student may cancel their enrollment at any time by submitting a request in writing. Withdrawal and refund processing may take up to 30 days. Policy Relating to Conduct: Student assumes responsibility for reasonable standards of behavior while on School property or while participating in program activities. Student agrees not to engage in inappropriate or illegal conduct, which may be the basis for Student suspension or dismissal, including but not limited to: class attendance under the influence of alcohol or drugs; disruption of class or classes; violation of School regulations or policies; showing lack of respect for another student, animal and/or instructor; stealing or destruction of property; misrepresentation; unprofessional or unethical conduct; excessive absence or tardiness; negligence or incompetence in the practice of animal massage therapy; and any other conduct which School, its instructors or other students reasonably deem to be harmful to the School’s reputation, the academic process, or inappropriate for the profession of animal massage therapy. Students may not bring children, pets or other guests to class sessions unless specifically instructed or invited to do so. Disciplinary Process: Warning notices may be issued to students who are in jeopardy of probation, unsatisfactory progress or termination. Lack of response to warning notices may result in probation, suspension, termination and/or loss of financing. Warning notices may be issued for violations of academic, attendance or conduct policies. A first warning may be issued verbally, in writing or by email (for distance-learning students) to indicate the policy violation. A second warning will include the School’s decision to pursue probation, suspension or termination and action required. Probation: A notice will indicate the length of probation, specific area(s) of deficiency and a demand for the student to arrange a meeting with the school representative. The student is responsible to coordinate the date/time/place/method of meeting. Terms of the probation and action required for resolution will be determined and a written document prepared. The original document will be kept in the student file and a copy delivered to the student. Suspension: A student who fails to respond to prior warning notices or has not remedied a violation may be suspended from attending classes or distance-learning education (access will be denied). Return to school is contingent upon the student meeting the School’s identified standards. Termination: Student may be permanently terminated from School if they have failed to respond to repeated warnings or to meet the requirements to remedy probation or suspension. A student who has been terminated is no longer able to request refunds and can only be reinstated at the School’s discretion. Balances owed will be due immediately. Although the School has established a progressive notification process, the authority is retained to impose immediate probation, suspension or termination when appropriate. Readmission Policy: Readmission is at the sole discretion of the School administration. Past-due Accounts: Accounts more than 30 days past due are considered to be in default. Student will receive a notification of past-due account with their account statement. If a student is 60 days past due, written and verbal notification will be attempted. At 90 days overdue, the account will be turned over for collection. LEGAL PRACTICE IN YOUR JURISDICTION: It is the student’s responsibility to obtain information regarding legal requirements for the practice and study of animal massage in their locale.* The School is licensed under Chapter 28C.10. Inquiries or complaints regarding this or any other private career school may be made to the Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board, 128 10th Avenue SW, Olympia, WA 980504-3105 ((360) 753-5673). × Privacy Policy ×