Introduction to Animal Acupressure

Introduction to Animal Acupressure

Discover the benefits of animal acupressure in this short introductory online course with Kim Bauer.
Kim Bauer · August 5, 2019


Enjoy our Free Online Introductory Series at NWSAM, where the Future is in Your Hands.

Discover the benefits of animal acupressure in this short introductory online course.

You will need to register to access the course and you have 30 days to enjoy the course.



Thank you for your interest in Animal Acupressure! This class is designed to give you some brief insight into Traditional Chinese Medicine and the benefits of acupressure for animals. For professional certification training, please consider following this course up with our Small Animal Acupressure Foundation Distance Learning or our Large Animal Acupressure Foundation Distance Learning.

About Instructor

Kim Bauer

4 Courses

+462 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 2 Lessons
  • 7 Topics