Tools of the Trade Copy
This class is designed to accomplish three things:
- Provide a basic understanding of the mechanism of various mechanical therapies including microcurrent, light therapies and pulsed electromagnetic field therapy.
- Compare and contrast the efficacy and value of each therapy as it relates to an animal massage or animal acupressure practice.
- Provide real-time case study experience using these various tools.
The online portion of this course will address the first of these. It may answer the questions you already have regarding what tools to add to your practice or even if that is a good investment of your resources. For some of you, the online portion of this course will provide the information you need, but we encourage you to join us for the one-day on-site class to experiment with the tools first hand.
When considering if you should add tools to your current practice or whether these therapies would benefit your stable or your pets at home, you may want to ask yourself the following questions:
- What is the potential return on investment (ROI) for this equipment?
- What need will this serve for me or my clients?
- Is there a retail component to this tool (will I sell them in addition to using them) and is my business set up for retail sales?
You might take a few moments to consider these questions and jot down your thoughts or questions.