Lesson 1,
Topic 1
In Progress
The Earth Horse – Health Challenges
The out of balance Earth horse is subject to the following conditions:
- Poor digestion and assimilation, possibly ulcers
- Swelling of udder or sheath
- Swelling of lower legs, stocking up
- Prone to fungal infections, thrush, white line disease
- Sensitivity to molds
- Arthritis with more stiffness and swelling than pain
- Muscle weakness or soreness
- Laminitis due to obesity and nutritional deficiency rather than metabolic imbalance
- Suppressed worry
- Grumpiness
- Lack of ambition
- Increased appetite
- Tendency to gain weight
- Tendency to have parasites
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Initial stiffness that lessens with warm up
- Cribbing
Humid weather or damp conditions in his environment will often exacerbate the Earth horse’s health conditions. They may also be worse in the Late Summer.