QUIZ: Chapter 4
When you are ready, take this quiz on the material in Chapter Four. You may refer to your notes and the material (open book) during the quiz if you wish. Use the Next and Back buttons to navigate through the quiz, changing any answers you wish, before clicking on Finished to submit. You will see your results and your score.
You may take this quiz as many times as you like. It’s a good idea to review the questions you missed, or material you didn’t remember. Re-read the information and try again. The repetition will help your retention of the material and show you areas to study further.
You must pass this quiz with an 80% or better (at least 32 correct out of 40) to complete the chapter study. Take the test until you achieve this scoring range before going on to the next chapter. Your best score is retained.
Please contact your instructor with any questions.
Good luck!