Proper Grooming: Equipment Copy

Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Proper Grooming: Equipment Copy

Every horse owner should have the proper tools to keep their horse clean and healthy. Good grooming habits help to prevent infections caused by bacteria and fungi (thrush, rainrot…), remove dead skin cells and hair to allow skin to function properly (to sweat and excrete wastes) and alert the owner to existing injuries (cuts, kicks…). Some grooming regimens are more intense than others, for instance, a show horse may be bathed and trimmed regularly while some horses may only be brushed on occasion.

Basic Equipment

  • Curry Comb – usually made of rubber or metal and used to lift dirt and loosen dead hair with circular strokes. A metal curry comb can also be used to clean off other brushes during a grooming session.
  • Comb – used to smooth knots out of the mane and tail.
  • Stiff/Dandy Brush – soft, medium or hard bristle brush used to flick the dirt and hair away from the coat after currying and to smooth the hair down. (Only use soft dandy brushes on the face. Some horses will be more sensitive to stiff brushes, so use gentle strokes or use a softer brush.)
  • Hoof Pick – used to remove dirt, stones and manure from the feet of the horse, particularly in the clefts around the frog.
  • Soft Brush – similar to a dandy brush with soft bristles, primarily for use around the face or sensitive areas but can be used on the whole body.
  • Rag or towel – for wiping out the ears, corners of the eyes and nostrils. Can also be used to shine the coat by rubbing vigorously.