Learning Activity : Handling Discussion and Practice Copy

Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Learning Activity : Handling Discussion and Practice Copy

This activity will add to your retention of the material on equipment and handling that you have just studied. Your participation in the discussion will also let your instructor know how you’re progressing in the course material. This is not graded, but your participation counts as an assessment. We want to know your thoughts!

Everyone who has handled horses, or observed horses being approached, haltered, tied and led, has experienced some do’s and don’ts. The information you have just studied will help ensure you handle horses safely, ethically and professionally. Using this information, practice applying the 3 key elements – awareness, positioning, and contact – on at least two different situations, with a horse or horses if possible.

For example, if you have a horse, you can approach, halter and lead him/her in the stall and also in the field or paddock. Alternatively, you could practice approaching a horse someone is holding, that is already haltered, and lead them around. If you have access to different types of equipment and the horse is used to them all, you could practice the 3 elements while tying.

If you don’t have access to horses for this activity, observe handling on video or the Handling part of the DVD. Visit a tack store and try different halters and ties in the store. Have someone show you how a quick release snap works, or the difference between a rope halter and a leather halters. Learn to tie the correct knot on a rope halter.

No matter what your circumstances, there are many different ways to practice at least two aspects of handling included in the material you’ve just studied.

Then, share your experience in the discussion group, by replying to the thread below.. Give us the details on the horse, the tack, the situation, and how you used the 3 key elements correctly.

NOTE: Discussions are asynchronous, depending on enrollment times and cohort sizes, which means you may not see anyone else discussing this activity when you do. That’s perfectly fine. Your posting to the discussion board when you reach this point in your studies is what’s important.

What did you learn that was new to you?

How did the horse respond to your approach?

What facial expression, postures or gestures did you notice, and how did you interpret them?

If you are experienced in equine behavior and handling, what aspects of the material do you feel are most essential?

Do you have a story about an experience with behavior and handling that exemplifies the importance of proper equipment and handling?

How has knowing how to read horse behavior kept you and the horse(s) safe as you haltered, tied, and led them?

Enjoy this practice time with the horse(s) and the equipment, and share your experience(s). We all learn from each other.

Home Forums (LAMFL) Learning Activity : Handling Discussion and Practice

  • (LAMFL) Learning Activity : Handling Discussion and Practice

    Posted by on April 22, 2020 at 11:45 am

    In Malibu 20 years ago, I saw a very famous person (though not an expert horseperson) tie a saddled horse’s reins to the fender of a Mercedes while they went and did something (briefly). An example of improper handling and tying, to be sure. Note: this is a sample discussion post and not a real student response. Enter yours below…

    replied 2 months ago 14 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies

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