
Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Instructions September 29, 2019

Now that you have successfully completed your distance learning and practical portions of your training, you are required to submit 25 individual massage sessions for completion of certification. Please submit a completed SOAP chart for each session. Client name should be included although personal information (addresss…) may be omitted. Please submit no more than 5 case studies at a time so that your instructor can provide feedback prior to future submissions. The same animal may be used up to 3 times.

Once you have five completed SOAP charts, you may submit them under the appropriate lesson. You may scan the charts or photograph them or submit them here through other electronic formats. Please do not mail charts unless you have arranged to do so through your instructor.

There is a SOAP chart form in the Resources area for this class. Click on the Resources tab in the left hand menu to download or print the form. You may make as many copies as you need to complete this assignment.

There is also a sample chart in the Resources area and a chart with the appropriate abbreviations and symbols to use in your charting.

If you have questions as you go along, please message the course instructor.