Tag: equinology
Learn Equine Anatomy in CLay from the Inside Out
NWSAM is proud to host Equinology for a 7-day exploration of Equine Anatomy. Debranne Patillo is an engaging instructor whose knowledge and experience are unparalleled in our industry. Jon Zahourek is world-reknown for his unique method to learning the anatomy by hand. It was life-changing to complete his training in human anatomy during my massage training. Collaborating with Equinology has long been a goal at NWSAM and I could not have chosen a better class to bring us together.
SAVE THE DATES: JUNE 5th-11th, 2025
This course is being hosted on the NWSAM Vashon Island campus. To enroll, please visit EquiLearn
The cost of this course includes all materials and instruction: $1995USD.
*This course has been approved for 56 hours of continuing education credit in jurisdictions that recognize RACE approval.
Learning equine anatomy should be fun and interactive. It should not entail memorizing! After this class, when someone asks about a muscle, you will actively recall building it on the Equiken® model in clay. You will remember where and how you felt it on the horse (or located for deeper muscles). Memorization is just not the way most brains work! Experience (build, associate, palpate), store (your brain makes notes) and then recall – that’s the ticket. This course utilizes the brilliant system developed by Jon Zahourek, founder of ANATOMY IN CLAY® Learning Systems.
We have a blast at this course! Some participants may consider it an art class, but artistic skills are not necessary. So much information is shared among the participants, loads of questions are explored, light bulbs are constantly going on and huge smiles of comprehension continue throughout the duration of the workshop.
The difference between the average equine bodyworker and a great one is accuracy. Anyone in the equine healthcare profession – whether you use your hands, tools or machines – will find this is a great opportunity to expand and enhance skills. This course is also useful for the trainer or rider because analytical skills are honed after understanding the structure of the horse. This knowledge improves your riding and teaching skills.
This seven-day course is taught in increments in a study group format with a hands-on approach. It is run in 3 days on, one day off for self-study and finishes with another 3 days on. Using bones, models, visuals, books, hand-outs, reference material and live horses, Debranne Pattillo, MEEBW will lead and direct the group. Students will work in teams of two, building the muscles on the Equiken® models at a comfortable pace, researching each muscle as the building progresses. Students become very familiar with various published books, publications and internet resources during the course, thus enabling them to better research anatomy. Students will have a chance to ensure they have understood the information by completing a self-assessment before the beginning of each class. Students are responsible for attending all six days of class in the classroom and are expected to spend the off day reviewing material for at least 8 hours.
This is not like those anatomy classes you’ve attended with a dry lecturer reciting from a book. Debranne’s wit and style make this a fun course. She uses various approaches that leave you with the increased knowledge to continue on in your own studies. Past students rave about this course and return year after year.
Please note that registration for this class closes 30 days prior to the course start date to ensure the appropriate number of models are ordered.
*This class runs from 8:00am-5:30pm daily with 30 minutes for lunch and an additional 3 hours of evening studies. Day 4 is spent out-of-class for independent study.
The Equiken® models used for the course were created by Jon Zahourek of Anatomy in Clay® Learning Systems. Anatomy in Clay offers several courses at their Colorado, USA base. Have a look at www.anatomyinclay.com for additional courses on equine, canine and human anatomy. Please register directly with them for those courses or write to info@anatomyinclay.com for dates and costs. The 6-day courses that are taught there are suitable for the required anatomy modules for continued education.
ANATOMY IN CLAY® and EQUIKEN® are registered trademarks of Zahourek Systems, Inc. or affiliates in the US or other countries. Authorization for limited trademark use licensed by Zahourek Systems, Inc., a sole provider of Anatomy in Clay® Learning System. www.anatomyinclay.com or as otherwise requested by Zahourek.
© Zahourek Systems, Inc. and affiliates. All rights reserved. This material may not be copied, rewritten, broadcasted, or redistributed. Authorization for limited copyright use licensed by Zahourek Systems, Inc., a sole provider of Anatomy in Clay® Learning System. www.anatomyinclay.com or as otherwise requested by Zahourek.